We collect data with the aid of cookie files in order to ensure that our website (hereinafter: Website) visitors receive the most relevant information and optimal service. This helps us (and third parties authorised by us) personalise your user experience during the Website visit, improve our services and ensure that you easily find what you need. We want you to understand how cookie files work. That is why here we are outlining the principles of the underlying technologies that we use, their consequences and your corresponding options.

What are cookies?

Cookies are small data files that our server sends to your web browser and they are stored in your device memory for subsequent Website visitor recognition. Some cookies are permanent while others are temporary, i.e. they expire after one session. Permanent cookie files are stored on your computer, tablet or smartphone for longer periods. Session cookies are stored on your device only temporarily, for the duration of your visit to the Website, and they are automatically deleted when you leave the Website. Most companies use cookies on their websites merely to improve usage. Cookies do not damage other files on your device and they do not increase the risk of malware installation.

We and our service providers can use the following cookie file types:

Priority cookies: They are compulsory for us to make the Website available to you. For instance, we can use such cookies to identify and authorise our registered members during their Website visits in order to offer them relevant services. Without these cookies the Website could not recognise you and you could not access the services. The cookies help us implement the terms and conditions of use and maintain service security.

Performance and functionality cookies: They are not compulsory, but they are useful for the personalisation of your Website experience. For instance, they allow the Website to remember your preferences and you do not have to provide the same details on each visit. We also use these cookies to collect information (such as popular pages, browsing patterns, clicks) on how the Website visitors use our services so that we can further improve the Website and services and conduct marketing surveys. If you delete these cookies, our service functionality will become limited for you.

Advertising cookies: They collect information on how you use our Website and other websites, including the names of those websites and your reactions to the ads shown to you, so that you can see ads tailored to your needs, both on our Website and elsewhere. These are referred to as interest-based ads. Many corresponding cookies are placed by our service providers.

How do we use the cookies?

We use the information obtained from the cookie files to make the Website more user friendly and offer you personalised recommendations. We can also allow certain third parties authorised by us to place their cookies on our Website for provision of their services to you.

We can use session cookies to enable switching between different pages of the Website without you having to enter certain details again.

Permanent cookies are used in different ways, including:

·         To enable switching between different pages of the Website without you having to enter certain details again.

·         To facilitate your identification during your subsequent Website visits for service usage.

·         To allow us to suggest to you other models, services and discounts that fit your preferences.

·         To ensure that you do complete in the same questionnaires again.

·         We (and third parties authorised by us) can use impersonal information obtained from permanent and session cookies for statistical purposes as follows:

1.       Analysing our services and Website usage (frequency and duration).

2.       Determining the most popular sections of the Website.

3.       Offering anonymous information to third parties for provision of ads that better suit you.

4.       Monitoring product success.

5.       Ascertaining how often you and other users visit the Website and purchase products.


Conducting surveys aimed at improving the Website interface for you.

How to delete cookies

You can choose whether to accept or reject cookies. If you wish to know when a new cookie file is received by your web browser, you can set it up to notify you. You can then accept that cookie or reject it. You can even set up your web browser to automatically reject all cookies. Go to to learn more about the relevant settings. Please bear in mind that by blocking cookie files on your web browser settings, some sections of the Website will not function properly for you, including the login procedure and content viewing options.


All upcoming changes in our Principles of cookie file usage are published on this page. If necessary, we will also notify you of such changes via e-mail in accordance with our terms and conditions of usage. All changes take effect immediately, with the exception of our registered members, for whom these changes take effect 30 days after their publication, unless otherwise stipulated in the notification.


You can submit all questions, comments and proposals concerning these Principles of cookie usage to this e-mail address:

Please also view our Privacy policy on the Auto100 Premium website

Page updated at: 29.08.2023